
The platform to manage your flexible workforce

Hire the best healthcare Freelancers for a minimal matching fee!
Click the button below to schedule an appointment.

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Some of our features

Verificatiesysteem zzp'ers zorg Zorgner Verificatiesysteem zzp'ers zorg Zorgner

Verified freelancers

Before a candidate can apply to a shift, the following documents will be checked: Identity, Diploma and Certificate of good conduct

Beoordelingssysteem zzp'ers zorg Zorgner

Rating system

By default, the ZZP'er is independently rated by the client after each shift based on a 1-5 star rating system.

  • Neutral rating by every Employer
  • Visibility total shifts worked by Freelancer
Foutloze facturen met Zorgner Foutloze facturen met Zorgner

Error-free invoices

After working a shift, the freelancer submits the hours worked. Approve these and see the invoice generated automatically! This prevents a lot of administrative work as virtually no incorrect invoices come through.

  • 0% VAT invoices (no mediation)
  • Weekly collective invoice possiblity available
How does it work?
digitale opdrachtovereenkomst digitale opdrachtovereenkomst

Digital assignment agreements

Keep an overview via the Zorgner portal and get rid of the administrative hassle with digital job agreements, among other things.

How does it work?

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1. Create an account

Creating an account takes no time at all. All you need is an email address and password. You can add to your profile later.

Create an account

2. Place a Shift

Placing a shift takes no more than 30 sec. In fact, you hang a shift under a job with all the details that you create once.

3. Pick a Freelancer

Receive submissions from reviewed Freelancers and choose the healthcare provider that best fits the job. All Freelancers who apply are verified.

4. Review the worked hours

After working the shift, the freelancer submits the hours via the app. After approval, the invoice is automatically generated.

Ready to

Vind opdrachten op Zorgner.nl, het zzp platform in de zorg
Vind opdrachten op Zorgner.nl, het zzp platform in de zorg